Unreal Tournament 3 Entwicklungsfortschritte…
IGN.com hat ein weiteres Preview zu Unreal Tournament veröffentlicht. Es geht u.a. um den noch immer für November angestrebten Veröffentlichungstermin für UT3 (PC, als auch PS3). In der Playstation 3 – Variante, wird man wohl auf ein paar Maps verzichten müssen (aufgrund der “limitierten” Hardware wäre ein geschmeidiges Spielen nicht möglich). Mods werden allerdings auch für die PS3-Variante möglich sein, inkl. der Verkauf über das Playstation Network:
Mark Rein said that they are shooting for a November release and did say that the PS3 version would have “most” of the content that would be found in its PC brother. He said that there would be a couple of maps that would be left out of the PS3 version simply because the system didn’t have the resources to produce a smooth gameplay experience. But rest assured, the classic Unreal Tournament modding could still be performed and uploaded to your friends. Rein even told us that there were plans to allow for players to release mods for sale on the Playstation Network and that the most popular mods and maps would be compiled and sold in an updated Unreal Tournament 3 package later down the line. We’ll have much more on Unreal Tournament 3 as its holiday release date draws closer.