Ripper für UT3
Für alle diejenigen, die den Ripper aus dem ersten Teil von Unreal Tournament vermisst haben, hat das Fraghouse Mod Team nun ein verspätetes Weihnachtsgeschenk parat:
Ripper UT3 is a “port” of the original Ripper from Unreal Tournament – a popular weapon that fires sharp blades. The most common uses of this weapon are beheading enemies and spamming corridors with the bouncing blades.
The UT3 Ripper isn’t a carbon copy, however – the weapon model (provided by Mode, used in our Fraghouse Invasion mod for the Razorbomb weapon) is chunkier and more detailed than the original. The blade speed for the primary fire is faster to compensate for the game’s quick pace, and secondary fire is a payload bomb that, rather than continuing in a straight line, gradually arcs and loses height.
Den Download gibt es über Beyond Unreals FileWorks.