Ripper Lite v2

Für alle Ripperfans aus dem ersten Teil von Unreal Tournament, hat das Fraghouse Mod Team nun eine neue Version der UT3 Ripperversion vom Dezember 2007 veröffentlicht:

* Pickup skin fixed – instead of being red, it is now silver like the weapon itself.
* Ammo pickup tweaked – easier to identify, bigger in size and with a green plasma overlay.
* Vehicle damage fixed/tweaked – primary fire will do more damage than secondary, but secondary is useful to knock vehicles around with.
* Primary fire animation changed – the gun propels backwards instead of upwards, fitting more with the UT Ripper’s animations.
* Headshots tweaked – they are easier to attain, especially during online play.
* Secondary fire tweaked – bigger blast radius but does not throw enemies so far up into the air.
* First person model fixes – tweaked for widescreen play, plus more compatible with small weapons option.
* Pinner blade tweaked – the stinger shard no longer shows up when enemies are pinned to walls.


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