UT3 Patch 2.1 Beta 3
Der nächste Beta Patch wurde an die Tester verteilt. Die Version Beta 3 bringt folgende Verbesserungen und Neuerungen für UT3 mit sich:
- Fixed problem with vote menu, where list positions and scrollbar get reset after the menu updates
- Adjusted mutator voting to properly account for mutators in the game profile settings (both added and excluded mutators)
- Fix for reported rare WAR-Floodgate crash.
- Fixed issue with ‘no password’ connection error not asking for a password, when in online play
- Now consider server “pure” with same rules as achievements (custom maps, characters, and Epic mutators + webadmin allowed).
- Fixed non-seamless travel client timeout disconnects.
- Fixed issue with dialog boxes, where button positions are not updated correctly after resolution or message length changes